I think I just achieved perfection! The perfect marinade for braai'd steak.
The recipe comes from a book I got a year or so ago - "Braai" by Biller, Storkey & Kay (Struik Publishing).
Heat a little (15ml) olive oil in a frying pan.
Add a chopped onion;
2 cloves chopped garlic;
15ml chopped fresh ginger;
1 seeded and chopped red chilli.
Fry gently until softened.
Add 340ml coke; 180ml tomato sauce; grated rind of 1 lemon; 30ml lemon juice; 15ml whole grain mustard; 30ml white wine vinegar.
Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Sturing pretty often.
Let cool.
Pour about 250ml of the sauce over the steak, and reserve the remainder for serving.
Refrigerate the marinading steak, covered, overnight (or from Sunday morning until the braai on Sunday afternoon.)
Braai steak, on the beach, with lots of beer or rum for refreshment, good company, sunny weather, kids frollicking in the waves, palm tree swaying peacefully overhead.
Heat the reserved sauce thoroughly before serving with steak, maybe a tuscan salad, and undoubtedly a few beers.
My camera battery is dead now, so no photo's of the sauce, but I'll charge it and take some photos of the beach and braai'ing process later.